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How to Become a Board Member

Board members play an important role in setting and shaping the direction of a company. They also bring their professional network, experience and perspective to the table.

As a board member, you can expand your contacts with other business people and build your leadership skills. You will learn about the business, learn the way other companies manage their operations, and make strategic decisions by weighing the benefits and risks. Being a member of the board of an organization that supports a cause or group you are passionate about is often a rewarding experience.

If you’re thinking of applying to serve on a board, take a look at the type of qualifications the organization requires. Some boards are looking for a variety of abilities, including the ability to raise funds, connections with communities or financial knowledge, whereas others reserve board spots for those with specific qualifications like lawyers or doctors with specific expertise.

It is also crucial to consider the amount of time needed for an individual board member. A majority of boards require significant volunteering, including attendance at meetings. It is recommended to discuss this with the board recruiter or the executive of the non-profit to ensure that you have the time and dedication required to perform the duties and responsibilities of a board.

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