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How to Elevate Board Management Decision Making

To make effective decisions in a boardroom you require a combination of open discussion, strategic analysis, and technology. These strategies, when implemented correctly, can dramatically improve a board’s ability to make decisions and contribute to the long-term sustainability of an company.

The first step is to gather all information available and making sure that it is complete, accurate pertinent, reliable, and complete. This is management’s responsibility and involves gathering data from internal and external sources, conducting research, and making sure that the board is receiving timely, comprehensive information.

Once the data is gathered The next step is to identify the options that might be able to resolve the issue. This is often a time-consuming process, especially when attempting to reach consensus. Some boards employ methods such as the Six Thinking Hats Method or Disney Planning Method in order to avoid groupthink, and also encourage the full range of options of ideas to be considered.

The board has to then decide which option it will pursue. This is usually based on a range of variables, including cost, impact and scope. The scope of the project can also be measured by the number of people affected (e.g. employees or clients). It is important to have a matrix that ties these criteria in with the general principles of governance for the company.

The board has to explain the reasons for its decision in the minutes. This should include a justification for the choice as well as a list of choices that were thought of, any advice sought and whether the criteria were met.

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