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The World Uses a Variety of Different Energy Sources

The world relies on a variety of different sources of energy. In 2018 fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal, made up more than 81 percent of energy consumed. Renewable energy sources like solar power, wind power, biomass, and hydroelectricity comprise 14 percent. Nuclear energy is another 5 percent. Different countries employ different energy sources to balance environmental and economic requirements.

Nature’s energy comes in many forms like sun, wind waves, and ocean. When harnessed and converted into more convenient forms of energy, like electricity or heat, these are called primary sources. When these energy sources are exhausted, they turn into nonrenewable energy sources.

Many fossil fuels and some of other energy sources that are not renewable are damaging the environment. For example mining official website for oil could degrade the world’s forests. Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) can trigger earthquakes and water pollution. The burning of coal releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming.

Fortunately that many of the most promising sources of energy are renewable and sustainable. Hydropower, solar power and wind, for instance, can generate electricity without the need to dig for new supplies.

Other sustainable energy sources are emerging, such as waves and tidal power. To be used on large scale, these sources of energy require effective distribution networks. These must be built using a source of non-renewable energy sources. These sources aren’t sufficient to meet the majority of our energy demands. It is important to keep in mind that the costs for renewable energy-related equipment have fallen drastically over the last couple of years, and efficiency is rising rapidly.

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